Treasure House β€” This Is The Place Heritage Park

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Treasure House

Treasure seekers young and old will love the new interactive feature at This Is The Place! The Treasure House tells the story of mining in Utah through hands-on experiences.

  • Dig for gemstones in Prospectors Pit, then identify your rocks at the Assay Station.
  • Pan for gold in the creek under the shady oaks.
  • Choose a giant geode and help break it in our Geode Cracker!
  • Inside the Treasure House look down into a mining pit and see miners at work!
  • And play fun games to learn more about the role mining played in the settlement of the West.
  • From the Treasure House you can climb up to a look out and see all the way to the Oquirrh Mountains and the Coppermine!

These fun activities and more at the new Treasure House! And don't forget there are ponys and trains to ride and take-home crafts to make. The artisans are in their shops, and each historical home has a story to tell.

Save time for lunch at the Huntsman Grill and get your sweet tooth satisfied at the Ice Cream Shop, ZCMI Candy Store and Brigham's Donut Shop. We'll see you at The FUN Place for Everyone!
