Heritage Village
This Is The FUN Place For Everyone!
12. Andrus Halfway House and Farm
19. B.F. Johnson Saddlery
25. Blacksmith Shop
7. Pioneer Pavilion
62. Brigham Young Barn
61. Brigham Young Farmhouse
53. Burnett Cabin
40. Tithing Office
39. Rich Home
3. Deseret Hospital
27. Deseret News Print Shop
37. Telegraph Office
34. Dinwoodey Cabinet and Chair Shop
35. Dinwoodey Pottery Shop
51. Dugout
2. Eagle Gate
36. Snelgrove Boot Shop
55. Emery County Cabin
16. Fairbanks Home
33. Godbe-Pitts Drugstore
15. Social Hall
64. Handcart Adventure
28. Kimball Home
21. Heber East Ward School
18. Hooper and Eldredge Bank
30. Huntsman Hotel
14. Jewkes Home
6. Gardiner Cabin
26. Pack Home
57. Staker Cabin (Tinsmith)
52. Riter Cabin
Levi Roberts Cabin
31. Madsen Furniture Co.
42. Manti Fort Gristmill
54. Hickman Cabin
47. Mary Fielding Smith Home
22. Murdock Carriage House
44. Native American Village
38. Anderson Home
5. Pratt Observatory
50. Ottinger-Little Hall
8. Pine Valley Chapel
49. Pioneer Cemetery
9. Relief Society Hall
58. Pay Cabin
23. Savage Livery Stable
17. Shaving Parlor
4. Brigham Young Academy
65. White Cabin
66. Gift Shop
41. Atkin Home
56. Richardson Cabin
32. Z.C.M.I.
1. The Pioneer Center