Brigham Young Barn

  • Representational Building 1860's

  • Replicated in 1997

This barn is representative of farm barns of the pioneer era. The Brigham Young farm's 800 acres was large for its day. It required a large force of hired hands, teams, wagons, and other equipment to operate. Along with the farm home, the barn was a focal point of farm activities, where horses and mules were harnessed for plowing, tilling, and other work. Harnesses and other tack were repaired there and livestock feeds were stored in the barn. Milking of the dairy herd took place here, as did the care of new-born calves, lambs, foals and goats.

Did you know? Some of the Brigham Young farmland was reassigned to smaller homesteaders. By 1864, the farm consisted of only 640 acres.